Paper title: Predicting Inference Time and Energy Consumption in Deep Learning Using MLPs
From the IEEE Signal Processing Society, for outstanding editorial board service for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Topic: Hyperspectral data processing and sensor fusion for scene understanding
The team from IPI-UGent have won a 10,000 Danish Krone (~1300 euro) cash prize for the paper *Cross-Modality Attention and Multimodal Fusion Transformer for Pedestrian Detection* by Wei-Yu Lee, Ljubomir Jovanov, Wilfried Philips
The team from IPI-UGent have won a 500 USD cash prize for the 'Quad-Bayer Re-mosaic' challenge track
Former IPI master student reached 'Leo Baekelandprijs' final with thesis 'Computer vision based detection of drafting while cycling'
Simon Van den Bossche featured in spring edition of De Vlaamse Scriptie Krant
Context-based analysis of urban air quality using an opportunistic mobile sensor network
Receiving prize for outstanding paper and presentation
Ghent University spin-off Smartivize launches an innovative shopper analytics solution based on computer vision and AI.
SAS Imageens intends to commercialize IPI's software for cardiovascular image analysis.
MIT Technology Review named Vincent Spruyt one of the best inovators under 35 in Europe!
Attila Fésus wins the Best poster Award at the FEA Research Symposium 2015.
PANORAMA project wins Exhibition Award at the 2015 European Nanoelectronics Forum
Sanne Roegiers wins 2015 IE-net master thesis prize.