
Watch the interviews of IPI professors Wilfried Philips & Jan Aelterman at AutoSens Brussels 2023

Listen to them discuss sensor fusion, sensors, weather and environmental conditions, and difficult corner cases

De Bollebozen: Kan een camera het onzichtbare in beeld brengen? Making the invisible, visible.

Hiep Luong and colleagues talk about the use of hyperspectral cameras in crop management and laparoscopic surgery

Intelligent super-fast camera prevents errors in 3D printing

IPI researcher Brian Booth discusses the icon Vision-in-the-Loop project results - KanaalZ video, press release, and news articles.

Webinar: The Future of Solar Site Management

IPI researcher Michiel Vlaminck and partners showcase the results of the icon Analyst-PV project with a webinar and article

IPI Additive Manufacturing Research Highlighted in Recent Youtube Video

Demonstration of a real-time monitoring system for 3D metal printing based on AI and active learning

Online Talk: Cooperative sensor fusion for detection and tracking

Watch IPI researcher ​​​​​​​David Van Hamme talk about Cooperative Sensor Fusion research

IPI joins Industry Leaders in AI for Manufacturing Webinars

Brian Booth joined industry leaders earlier this year to speak on the use of AI in additive manufacturing workflows

IPI research on automotive vision featured in Kanaal-Z

Vision algorithms for smart vehicles, both for intelligent driver assistance and autonomous vehicles