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Writing resources Finding & Reading scientific papers Creating engaging plots Presentations: best practices Publications: preparing and reporting Research ethics and avoiding plagiarism
Scientific resources
Courses - UGent and external courses on English, presentation skills, etc ORCID - Persistent digital identifier for researchers DMP, GDPR, Research ethics & Human research Interesting links PhD info & graduation regulations
Support resources
Well-being support - Resources if you need support at work or in your private life [updated 2024-11-22] UGent emergency contact info and help-lines [updated 2024-11-22]
⍰ Questions, comments, or feedback? Do you have any favorite resources you think others would find interesting? Contact Asli Kumcu and we'll add them here!
Flanders AI (Fusion work) Suggested acknowledgment:
This research received funding from the Flemish Government (AI Research Program). Note: UGent Project "onderzoeksprogramma Artificiele Intelligentie" project number for Biblio. (These are INTERNAL numbers and should NOT be mentioned in the publication acknowledgments):
174B09119 (for 2020) 174L00121 (for 2021) 174U01222 (for 2022) 174Z05623 (for 2023) NextPerception Suggested acknowledgments:
This research was conducted as part of the ECSEL NextPerception project and co-financed by EU and national funding.
This work was funded by EU Horizon 2020 ECSEL JU research and innovation programme under grant agreement 876487 (NextPerception).
Note: send publication 21 days before submission to ALL PARTNERS mailing list. Approvals from the group to be sent latest within 14 days before submission (=1 week response time).
CHARAMBA Suggested acknowledgment:
This research has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) under grant agreement No 19128.
Sent by Wilfried Philips on Jan 26, 2022
Dear IPI members,
in 2021 David, Jan and me prepared a module on sensor fusion for the Autosens Academy. Autosens is a major industrial organisation focusing on the automotive industry and organising conferences in this domain. It is attended by companies like Waymo, Ouster, the big car manufacturers... The course is now ongoing.
I think it would be good for all IPI-members involved in sensor fusion to have a look at the course material. In too many cases it has become clear that concepts are misinterpreted and/or not correctly understood. This is a major problem.
likelihood, e.g. "likelhoods sum to 1" No, they don't. They can even be larger than one and there some can be any positive number
difference between densities and probabilities
confusion between posterior probability, likelihood and priors.
confusion between posterior probability, likelihood and priors are meaningless, unless it is clearly stated what is the experiment they model.
Sent by Wilfried Philips on Dec 13, 2021
This is what I experience a lot: we often need slides at a very short notice and we remember they were in some IPI presentation, but we can't find it and then it takes to long before the presenter reacts. In any case, several emails are needed, so everybody losses time (including yourself)
This is also related to the backup-related email by Asli (which I asked her to send). If you get ill, or are on leave or holiday, we must be able to find all your work in case of emergencies (usuaully, some company wants to talk to us urgently). So it is essential that it is on the IPI server and that we can easily find it.
That includes: publications, presentations, (which is usually what we need) but also software (which is what we need in case the worst would happen).
Sent by Asli Kumcu on Feb 07, 2022 and updated Mar 07, 2022
Dear colleagues,
I’d like to share some thoughts on writing and the research process with you. This is a long post but you might find it helpful, especially if you’re a PhD student. On this page, we will cover:
(1) WHAT'S IMPORTANT IN A PAPER? - Resources to help you get started with writing research papers.
(2) ON WRITING & THE RESEARCH PROCESS - Is the process of writing just the act of writing-up, or does it have a more important role within the research process? (Spoiler: IT DOES!). Also includes some links from my favorite resource, the The Thesis Whisperer, on how to write effectively, how to get unstuck in your writing, and how to deal with the ‘Valley of Shit’ (it’s a real thing!).
(3) IPI pubs administration - Where to find the publications document (describing affiliations, funding acknowledgment, bibtex, UGent biblio, etc).
Instructions for preparing and reporting accepted & published papers Contents
1. Actions to take when writing your paper 2. Adding publications to the IPI biblio
3. Adding publications to the UGent biblio (always upload PDF) 4. Verifying publication A1/P1 status in Web of Science
5. Including your ORCID
1. Actions to take when writing your paper While writing your paper:
All IPI members must include IMEC as the affiliation next to your name in the publication (with few exceptions *).
Option 1: Include imec together with UGent e.g. one of the these or a similar combination: TELIN-IPI, Ghent University – imec
IPI-imec, Ghent University
Option 2: List them as two separate affiliations. Some journals will force you to split them up. In that case, us the following, including both affiliations. Make sure that the "imec" affiliation does not include a specific group within imec, else it might not count.