Selecting stimuli parameters for video quality assessment studies based on perceptual similarity distances
A. Kumcu, L. Platiša, H. Chen, A. J. Gislason-Lee, A. G. Davies, P. Schelkens, Y. Taeymans, W. Philips, "Selecting stimuli parameters for video quality assessment studies based on perceptual similarity distances", in Proc. SPIE, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIII, pp. 93990F-93990F-10, 2015, doi: 10.1117/12.2083431.
Bibtex Entry:
  author      = {Kumcu, Asli and Platiša, Ljiljana and Chen, Heng and Gislason-Lee, Amber J. and Davies, Andrew G. and Schelkens, Peter and Taeymans, Yves and Philips, Wilfried},
  title       = {Selecting stimuli parameters for video quality assessment studies based on perceptual similarity distances},
  booktitle   = {Proc. SPIE, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIII},
  year        = {2015},
  volume      = {9399},
  pages       = {93990F-93990F-10},
  doi         = {10.1117/12.2083431},
  file        = {docs/Kumcu_spie_ei_2015_preprint.pdf},
  isbn        = {ISBN: 9781628414899},
  keywords    = {Perceived image quality},
  url         = {},
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